Put an end to cancer and disease

finally address the physical and emotional factors so you can heal from the inside out

your plan to Experience healing at the root cause

Access to 9 modules with 3-5 video lessons with me per module!

Download worksheets, questionnaires, and PDFs to guide you through trying alternative methods. 

To keep you on track, you'll be added to a private Facebook group so we can work through whatever you may be struggling with (and celebrate your progress as well)!!

your new, healthy life awaits — there is hope!

  • 1
    We will talk about the 3 step healing process that your body goes through every day, plus how cancer and disease can actually be a sign of healing.
  • 2
    Cancer and disease doesn't show up for no reason. How did your perfect storm trigger this illness? We'll talk about the silent killer linked to ALL disease, and little known cancer trigger that's crucial to discovering as an individual.
  • 3
    I've personally recovered from Lyme disease, mold and heavy metal poisoning, and stage 4 ovarian cancer using alternative methods to address the root cause of my disease. You'll learn these hands-on tools to detox and heal yourself emotionally and physically.

What People Are Saying


Once it was confirmed that I did indeed had breast cancer, I knew I needed to revisit the idea that emotions are a root to cancer.

What emotions in me had contributed to this disease? Where did all of this stem from?

For me, the emotional bondage happened over time…and like most people, there are patterns that begin from messages processed in our brain and body throughout childhood. Cancer was the messenger.

Thank you, Trina Hammack, for the huge role you played in helping me to recognize why the cancer had come, the message it brought and for helping me to heal my body through emotional therapy.

– Sara, Mother to 8 beautiful children


Trina is a Master Healer!

She is totally spot on with her intuition, and awareness of what the body needs to heal.

She integrates several modalities from ‘quantum bio-feedback’ to ‘recall healing emotional releases.’ She is keenly aware that the body has the ability to heal itself, and her work supports you in restoring yourself to perfect health and harmony.

- Sheila Gale, Radio Talk Show Host


I kept getting sicker and more stressed out until I went to see Trina.

My first session with Trina gave me hope that I had not experienced in a very long time and I finally felt supported by someone with an integrative, holistic approach.

I am now 100% outrageously healthy, the healthiest I have ever been. The last time I hiked 15 miles, I came home and cried in gratitude.

DO it, if you are committed to living an outrageously healthy life. Trina’s toolbox is extensive as is her thirst for knowledge to help her clients heal themselves. Trina is a powerful woman and her time is best utilized by the dedicated.

The reward is a better state of vitality than ever imagined possible.

- Nicole T, Full time Mother and World Traveler

About Trina Hammack

I’m a holistic health and wellness expert who’s passionate about helping people who are desperate to reclaim their health and vitality.

Having healed myself naturally from Lyme Disease, Heavy Metal Poisoning and Mold Toxicity, as well as Ovarian Cancer using natural methods following surgery, I understand how it feels to be faced with a serious diagnosis. That terrified, deer-in-the-headlights feeling is all too familiar to me! That’s why I’ve made it my mission to share with you how to become empowered to heal using natural methods and stop letting fear control your healthcare decisions.

Is This Course Right For You?

Only 3% of people presented with the information they need to truly heal will actually DO something with it! Are you in that 3%? Without addressing the root cause issues, you'll continue to see disease appear in your life. Reclaim your health so you won't continue to miss out on enjoying the life you have anymore.

Who is this for

  • Those who are ready to take the bull by the horns and address their health head on
  • Those willing to dedicate time and energy to diving into their health history to uncover root causes
  • Those willing to COMMIT to the process and give it 100%, having faith and hope that it will work!

Who is this not for

  • Those who want a quick fix with little effort and aren't willing to create the time to focus on their health
  • Those who are closed off to new ideas and information — they think they know everything already
  • People who are afraid to commit to the process and give it 100%!

Are you ready to dig deeper into your health?

What is in the online course?

9 Modules that will will help you discover your root cause and CANCEL CANCER and disease.

The Perfect Storm

Many factors create the perfect storm and set you up for disease. Your genes can turn on to trigger the final straw and create disease in your body.

Inflammation as a Root Cause

What is cellular inflammation and why is it so important? What creates cellular inflammation and how can you reduce it?

Emotional Trauma as a Root Cause

There's always a biological purpose to your disease. The brain is running a strong subconscious program based on a previous experience.

The 3 Phases of Every Disease

The 3 phases to every disease, plus their symptoms. And how traumas trigger illness and cancer.

Two Types of Healing Phases

Tissue repair & tumor breakdown. How cancer can be a healing. Plus lung and ovarian cancer examples.

The Hanging Healing

What's happening when cancer returns? How chemo can affect healing? What's the missing link, no matter your treatment?

Case Studies

Real life case studies of clients who battled diseases including Breast and Bone Cancer, hyperhidrosis, Pancreatic, Liver & Lung Cancer.

Tools for Healing

Tools you can use including timeline therapy, the small property, Ho Opono Pono, Healing the Heart, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Biofeedback and more.

Cellular Detox

Detox guidelines plus a timeline and detailed instructions for each of the 4 phases of cellular detoxification.

Added Bonuses to Help You on Your Health Journey​​

Access to a private Facebook Group

The purpose of this group is to show those who’ve lost hope how to ditch the band-aid approach and resolve their underlying Root Cause issues once and for all.


Downloadable Ebooks

As an added bonus, you'll have access to download free resources like The Toxic Top Ten Resource Guide, The Top 5 Health Questionnaires for Self Screening, and Essential Oil Handbook for Emotional Cancer Support.

Let's get you on the path to total wellness.

© 2018 Trina Hammack Wellness. All rights Reserved