EVOX Biofeedback

There is hope with EVOX.

What Is EVOX Biofeedback?

Let’s talk about the Emotional Realm and how it influences disease. Even more importantly, let’s talk about How to Release It!

Over last 27 years as a holistic therapist, I’ve found that all disease really does have roots in the emotional realm. The emotional conflicts that we experience, are the Foundation of all dis-ease and in order to completely heal ourselves, we must address these conflicts at the source.

Healing Emotional Trauma Trina Hammack

In order to REALLY address the roots to disease, it’s extremely important to also dig up the emotional root cause triggers. The question is HOW to do that!

In my practice, I like to combine techniques and technology to get the best results possible. On the technology side of things, I LOVE using the EVOX Biofeedback device with both my remote and in-person clients. This type of biofeedback is designed to help you to clear emotional blockages by helping you to shift your PERCEPTION.

How It Works

As you talk into the microphone about the conflict or problem, the EVOX is measuring the emotional stress levels in your voice patterns. Once we see the stress pattern, we can send balancing frequencies back to you through a hand cradle. Basically, we are balancing out the emotional stress pattern with corrective frequencies and in the process, you begin to shift your perception. Once your perception shifts, you can LET GO and MOVE ON!  It’s actually a pretty amazing process to watch!

Many times, I will also use Recall Healing or German New Medicine techniques along with the EVOX to investigate Emotional Trauma Patterns and then guide my clients to a successful healing phase! I LOVE to combine these techniques with the EVOX to turn off the trauma pattern at the source!

The EVOX Biofeedback Difference

Emotional Healing Trina Hammack

Trauma can be conscious or subconscious and they typically stem back to when you were a child or even as far back as when you were in your mother’s womb. Whatever your mother was feeling or experiencing during her pregnancy, had an impact on you while you were in the womb. So, if your mother had a traumatic experience while she was pregnant with you, you very well could be carrying some of that emotional baggage now.

Discover Your EVOX Experience

Evox kit Trina Hammack

It’s efficient and effective and my clients say they feel like a massive weight has been taken off their shoulders. If you are feeling stuck and don’t know how to move forward, please feel free to reach out so we can see how this type of work can help you too!

© 2020, Cornerstone Wellness Center. All Rights Reserved

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1088 Cass St, Monterey, CA 93940
Phone number:  831-373-6204