SCIO Quantum Biofeedback

There is hope with SCIO.

What Is SCIO Quantum Biofeedback?

I love using the SCIO Quantum Biofeedback both personally and for my clients as well. In fact, I credit it for helping to save my life.

In 2003, my health took a very steep dive and the medical system could not diagnose me. I went from doctor to doctor and did test after test and they all said the same thing, “Nothing is wrong with you. It’s all in your head.”

As luck would have it, a friend introduced me to an amazing “machine” that claimed to “read and test” my body reactions for 10,000 different medical conditions, emotions, remedies, toxins, etc and then send corrective frequencies back to my body to help balance it out. AND it could do this all from a distance!

Emotional Healing Trina Hammack

How It Works

The SCIO works on a multitude of levels such as emotional, energetic, physical, mental and spiritual and is used in clinics and hospitals across the US. My clients say that they experience profound and relaxing effects from the SCIO and as a holistic practitioner, it helps me to investigate and guide them down a more precise path of wellness.

The SCIO Biofeedback Difference

It sounded like Star Trek medicine but I decided to give it a try and I am so incredibly grateful that I did.

The SCIO Quantum Biofeedback device helped to figure out my mystery illness! The biofeedback scan showed that I was having a huge reaction to Lyme disease! And guess what? The SCIO was right! I had contracted Lyme Disease while out mushroom hunting in Big Sur, CA.

I have been a certified trained practitioner since 2004 and use the SCIO on a daily basis to help my clients balance their stress, reduce their pain and promote relaxation. The SCIO helps me to pinpoint the underlying issues that are creating stress in the body and then it sends back corrective frequencies to bring a higher level of balance back to the body, mind and spirit.

Discover Your SCIO Experience

Emotional Healing-Trina Hammack

This is such an awesome tool because I can actually work with clients remotely around the world and help them to move forward with their health. The SCIO has been such a blessing for so many and even though it meant getting sick to find it, I am still so very grateful!

© 2020, Cornerstone Wellness Center. All Rights Reserved

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1088 Cass St, Monterey, CA 93940
Phone number:  831-373-6204